Finders Course
The Finders Course is the public portion of the largest global research project on Persistent Non-Symbolic Experience (PNSE), also known as enlightenment, non-duality, persistent mystical states, unitive states, transcendental consciousness, etc. This research, which included over 1,000 participants on 6 continents, was distilled down to 26 "best practices" for shifting into PNSE.
The Finders Course is online, and includes both recorded and live group instruction. It is 100% secular and research has shown that the course shifts 73% of participants into PNSE in 4 months or less.
We facilitate small groups through the Finders Course. Contact us to learn more.
The Finders Course is online, and includes both recorded and live group instruction. It is 100% secular and research has shown that the course shifts 73% of participants into PNSE in 4 months or less.
We facilitate small groups through the Finders Course. Contact us to learn more.
The next Finders Course begins:
October 3rd, 2020
October 3rd, 2020